The ONE Baby Product I Wish I Had Gotten After Having a Second Baby

Photo Credit: ShopStyle Collective/Nordstrom

First I need to start off by saying this is not sponsored nor do I have the product.  It is something that I wish I had gotten as soon as my second child was born even though it has quite a high price point. 

I'd also like to mention that my doctor actually wrote me a prescription for this item for me to submit to insurance to see if they would cover it!  (Side Note:  My insurance will not cover it).

Okay, so you are probably asking, what is this magical item.  It is the Doona Car Seat & Stroller.  It is a car seat that you can pop out of the car and immediately turn into a stroller.  Any mom knows that car seats are heavy, even if you get one that is lightweight.  Now imagine carrying that car seat while chasing after or toddler, or popping that car seat in and out of the car to take your toddler to/from school or camp.  It gets heavy and the chiropractor can only do so much to relieve back pain.  Don't even get my started on the impact it has on your pelvic floor.  That is actually the reason my doctor wrote me a script for the Doona, because after my first child I had pelvic floor damage and had to do pelvic floor therapy and while my delivery with my second child was a lot faster, you still need to watch how much weight you lift for the first 6 weeks.

You may have better luck with your insurance company.  I know most insurance companies cover belly bands during pregnancy, at least mine did, but mine will not cover the car seat/stroller.

Doona Car Seat & Stroller Specs Breakdown/Condensed Version:

  • Can be used from 4 lbs to 35 lbs (Realistically you will probably use it until your child is one year old).

  • 5-point harness

  • Stretch canopy

  • Removable and washable

  • Baby safe materials

  • Rear facing only

  • TUV and FAA approved

Okay so now you are probably asking why I didn't get it.  Around the time that I really thought about getting it, my youngest was 6 months old and I didn't feel comfortable spending $499 for only 6 months of use.  If I had really looked into it at birth and could've gotten a whole year out of it, then yes, I would've paid that price.  Obviously my health is important but these days I take my youngest out of the car seat more and more now that she is able to sit up on her own and I can put her in the shopping cart (with a cover) or a high chair or a double stroller with her sister.

That being said, I would totally recommend the Doona even though I don't own one personally.


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