motherhood Diapers and Donuts motherhood Diapers and Donuts

Making Friends

I think the hardest part about moving is not knowing anyone and making new friends. My kids never have a problem making friends. We go to a playground or a park and they immediately find someone to play with or run up and introduce themselves. I think it is definitely more difficult for adults, especially with precautions around Covid. We are lucky to have found a community with families for the girls to play with and everyone has been very welcoming.

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motherhood, newmom, postpartum Diapers and Donuts motherhood, newmom, postpartum Diapers and Donuts

My Light's Won't Turn Off

Do you ever have those days where you go to bed and your mind is racing. You have a million things you need to do the next day and you keep adding to the list only to forget it all in the morning. I was in a Clubhouse room the other day and a mama in there suggested keeping a notebook/journal on your nightstand and writing everything down. Basically the goal is to do a “brain dump” of all your thoughts so that you can relax your mind and eventually fall asleep.

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breastfeeding, motherhood Diapers and Donuts breastfeeding, motherhood Diapers and Donuts

My Breastfeeding Journey So Far

Going on 14+ months with my youngest and I'm so proud of myself for making it beyond 1 year for the 2nd time. For my oldest we made it to 18 months and then decided it was time to wean. I'm sure she would've been happy to go longer, but she was not the greatest sleeper and by 21 months she was sleep trained and my guess it had something to do with weaning. My youngest is also not the best sleeper but she is also much more stubborn than my oldest so I have a feeling that weaning around the same time is going to be a challenge.

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