My Light's Won't Turn Off


Do you ever have those days where you go to bed and your mind is racing. You have a million things you need to do the next day and you keep adding to the list only to forget it all in the morning. I was in a Clubhouse room the other day and a mama in there suggested keeping a notebook/journal on your nightstand and writing everything down. Basically the goal is to do a “brain dump” of all your thoughts so that you can relax your mind and eventually fall asleep.

I loved that idea so much that I decided to create my own motherhood sleep journal! “My Light’s Won’t Turn Off” is designed to be a journal where you can just scribble down your thoughts. It is a journal for when you can’t sleep write now. The cover is a calming serene blue color and the interior has fun composition notebook style lined pages in a matching blue with pink. I wanted the journal to be calming but also encouraging and fun.

In the top right corner of every page there is a little pillow that matches the cover image. The pillow can be used for anything, whether you want to date the pages 1-100 or put the date there. Personally I will be putting the date (month/day).


On the back I have a spot for you to put your name or a sticker with your name. We love Mabel’s Labels and I’ll probably put a sticker with my name there. *Save 10% with code DIAPERSANDDONUTS.

On the daily I do a combination of paper and pencil notes and scheduling as well as using my iPhone calendar and Notes app. At night though, while I do spend probably too much time on my phone and that can definitely impact my sleep, I don’t want to write all my notes in my phone. I think the pencil to paper concept works better for me in terms of “letting it all go."

I hope you all love it and I am excited to get a restful nights sleep (if my kids let me).


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