2020 Goals

*links are affiliate.  Thank you for supporting my family and business.

2020 is in full swing.  By the way, totally unrelated but I read an article recently and it said when you sign something and date it, you need to fully write out 2020 versus 20 for the year because someone could come along and add 19 or 18 to it.  *now you know*

Anyways, I wasn't sure if I would make a list of all my 2020 goals but I decided to do it because it would make me more accountable.  I am a list maker, a planner, doodler, basically I'm a pen and paper kind of girl.  This is funny seeing as I come from a technology background.  I do have to say I do also keep notes in my iPhone and I'm a duplicate planner because for appointments and stuff I add it to my calendar in my phone (share with the husband) and also write it down -- most of the time.

1.  Time Management.  I need to start scheduling my days.  Building a business from nothing requires a lot of work and I need to be more structured about accomplishing all my daily tasks so that I succeed in my business growth and ensure that what I am doing helps others.

2. Mom(ming) *my word*  I've always believed that being a mom and wife comes first.  Basically family is the most important thing.  Everything else can go on the back burner.  Laundry, business, cleaning, phone.  This year one of my goals is to turn my phone on do not disturb for a few hours daily so that my time isn't spent multitasking.  I do want to build my business but I also want to be in the moment even if that means not taking as many photos.  That being said, I'm not saying that I'm not "in the moment" but I am that mom that likes to "capture the moment."  I love taking photos and videos of my girls because they grow up so fast and I like to cherish the memories and be able to see them again.

3. Me Time.  My husband is actually amazing about giving me "me time."  I think it took him awhile to realize exactly what I do in a day.  It is exhausting but I love every minute of being a work at home mom.  My me time involves taking a relaxing bath, getting a little extra sleep in the morning on the weekends or a Target run solo.  I once even got to indulge in eating dinner in front of the TV and watching a movie!

4. Cleaning schedule.  I'm good about dishes (or my husband does them), and we vacuum the kitchen every night, but when it comes to other cleaning it's all sporadic.  We are lucky to have a cleaning service come every 2 weeks but one of my goals is to make a schedule and stick to it as best as I can.  Laundry I am on top of because I don't like it to pile up, but then I have to remember all the other things that need to be cleaned in the house.  I've been wanting to get this

Dry Erase 4 Magnet bundle

for our refrigerator, but have been waiting to see if it goes on sale any more.  I wonder if I can find a dupe for it at Target.  If not, I'll continue to wait for it to be marked down and then snag it when I can.

5. Stay hydrated.  Basically I need to drink more water and less coffee and soda.  I definitely need my morning coffee but so need to limit my soda intake for sure as it is not healthy for me.  I need to figure out something else as my "guilty pleasure."  I actually just ordered a new water bottle to up my water intake for the day.

6. Husband/Marriage.  You get so caught up in the day with your kids that by the end of the day you are exhausted.  You don't want to do anything and would rather just curl up in bed and sleep (if the baby lets you).  Date nights are so important.  Scott and I actually just went on one last weekend and it was great to just sit, talk, and enjoy each other's company without having to worry about anything.  It's so important to catch up with your significant other and have some alone time just the two of you.

7. Blog.  I'd really like to post more often on my blog.  The hard part is finding the time when you have two kids that want all your attention.  My youngest only takes one nap (same time as my oldest -- if she decides to nap).  So during that maybe 2.5 hour nap, I need to accomplish "all the things" around doing work and cleaning.  I would prefer not to be on my computer when I would rather be playing with them unless I have a deadline and something needs to be done ASAP.

What are your goals for 2020?  February is right around the corner.  Make a goal and stick to it as best as you can.  Sometimes life gets int he way, but you can just pick back up where you left off!


The Path to a Cleaner Smile with Smile Brilliant


December Amazon Purchases