Week 10 - Social Distancing

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Can you believe it has been 10 weeks of quarantine?  Some States have started to open up.  New Jersey started as of Monday but we are way behind other states.  I've chosen to still remain cautious and not expose myself or my kids to anything unnecessary.  We've continued our at-home activities and outdoor play when the weather is nice.

Baby Bath Bubbles - If your kids like bubbles, have them get in the bath with one of their toys or baby dolls (make sure it can go in water).  They can clean it.  The same goes for other toys.  We also tried out these foam paint bottles in the bath.  I haven't tested them out with paint yet but they are fun to fill with water and a few drops of bubble bath.

Kindle/iPad Time - I've shared this a bunch of times, but we limit screen time when we can.  That being said, my oldest was getting some time to play educational games on her Kindle Fire so I let my youngest play a Fisher Price game on the iPad.

Trace and Color Butterfly - Mailbox Gold is a really great subscription.  I found a preschool tracing activity for my oldest where she had to trace different shapes that made up a butterfly picture.  She then had to color it in.  We were going to cut it out too but ended up deciding not to today.

Sand Mixing - Outside our sand table has 2 sides.  I filled one side with water and one side with sand.  My oldest knows what will happen when you mix the two but my youngest was fascinated by it.  It was a great activity to explore different textures and see how the sand would hold its shape in a mold or cup when dumped out.

Paint Wooden Cars - I ordered the girls these unfinished wood cars on Amazon and some kid safe acrylic paint


.  They had so much fun painting the cars and then using them to race on the track that I stuck onto the table in my she shed.

Pancake Pile-Up Race Game

- We don't play this exactly like the directions but my kids like to make up their own game.  Usually we don't play it as a competition but rather we give each other a card and have to make a pancake that matches the cards.


Week 11 and 12 - Social Distancing


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